Join us sundays at 10AM

Jr. Youth - Leader Bingo

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September 21, 2023

7:00pm – 9:00pm

Location: 1570 Niagara Stone Road, Virgil, Ontario L0S 1T0

Category: Jr. Youth | Coordinator: Caitlyn Neufeld

For this event, we will play a "get-to-know-the-leaders" game that involves challenges and the use of some of your best hide-and-seek skills (emphasis on the "seek" for this game). 

For the second half of the evening, we will be introducing our small group time and what to expect. Usually, this portion of the night includes watching a series dedicated to learning more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and then spending time debriefing it and pouring into one another's lives. 

See you there!