Cornerstone Community Church exists to make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God and for the good of our region through two equally important aspects of being the church. The first is gathering for the proclamation of the Word & Worship and the second is scattering into our region to live out of the Word in our lives every day.
A Life Group is a group of 8-12 people who seek to support each other in our mission to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. Life Groups meets regularly throughout the week to eat, learn, pray, unpack Sunday’s sermon, and encourage each other to live with gospel intentionality.
A disciple of Jesus is someone who worships God with every area of their life, finds their identity in Jesus, is truly united in community, and is on mission. We refer to these aspects of the Gospel as the Gospel Content, Gospel Community and the Gospel Cause. Discipling someone is as simple and glorious as leading them in and to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus the Big Idea of Life Groups is that everyone at Cornerstone is being discipled and discipling. A Life Group is the intentional organizing of God’s people so discipleship can truly happen.
It’s our hope that every Life Group sees themselves as a family of sent missionaries committed to make disciples who worship Jesus in the everyday life. Therefore, when you are signing up for a Life Group, our hope is that you see that you are signing up to be a part of a community on mission who are going to be committed to you, and vice versa.