Join us sundays at 10AM

JY - Birthday Party

JY Birthday Night - Event image

November 21, 2019

7:00pm – 9:00pm

Location: 1570 Niagara Stone Road, Virgil, Ontario L0S 1T0

Category: Jr. Youth | Coordinator: Alex Wiens
Are you tired of not having your birthday properly celebrated because you were born in the summer?
Are you sick of having your birthday overshadowed by some other "important" holiday that happens to be around the same time?
Were you born sometime between Jan.1 and Dec.31?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then youth this Thursday is for you! Bring a $5 wrapped gift for a crazy gift exchange.
Time: 7-9
Location: Town Campus
What to bring: Bring a $5 wrapped gift for a crazy gift exchange.