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Update on Building Committee and Campaign

In October, Cornerstone’s elders hosted 3 Town Hall Meetings, to seek feedback on our latest thinking regarding the long-term plans for our properties. With this feedback, we have decided to take the following steps:

Orchard Campus Building Team

We would like to form a team of people who will work to engage with our architecture firm to develop a plan for the renovation and expansion of our Orchard Campus. To be clear, we would love it if this team would include some people who were previously part of Orchard Park. If you are willing and able to serve on this team, please contact Kevin Bayne. 

Town Campus Research Team

We would like to form a team of people to research potential uses of the Town Campus to meet community and ministry needs. This team will report to our elders quarterly on their progress. To be clear, we would love it if this team would include some people who were previously part of Orchard Park. If you are willing and able to serve on this team, please contact Jeff Martens.

Zoning Amendments & Boundary Adjustments

Andrew Thiessen will be leading these processes, to more clearly define the uses of the land at the Hunter Rd. site.

Open Doors Campaign

We will run version 2 of the Open Doors campaign in the late winter or spring of 2019, when we have plans for the expansion and renovation of the Orchard Campus. At this time, we will ask everyone who has pledged to the original campaign if they can re-affirm their pledge or if they would like to revise it. Those who are new to Cornerstone will have the opportunity to participate for the first time. We continue to receive donations to the Open Doors campaign. 

Since the outcome of the campaign (in physical assets, etc) is substantially different than what was presented in Fall 2017, if you would like all or part of your donation to this campaign returned to you, we can accommodate this. This will mean that any tax receipts issued for these donations will become null, and a receipt for any affected tax years will be re-issued. You will likely need to re-file your income tax return for those years. If you would like all or part of your donation returned to you, please contact Greg Epp. 



Kevin Bayne:, 905-329-4713

Jeff Martens:, 289-929-0755

Greg Epp:, 905-938-9822