Integration Update - July 19
Hoping to keep everyone informed and updated on the progress of integrating our churches together, I will be providing periodic updates throughout the summer and fall. We are thrilled to welcome OP folks to begin worshipping with CCC this coming Sunday! I am praying that it will be a beautiful time, where we are all encouraged by the good news of Jesus and respond with whole-hearted worship.
Here are a few updates on the integration of our churches:
- Trevor Peck has, in practice, joined the pastoral team of Cornerstone this week. He will be working to organize a series of Focus Groups, where Cornerstone leaders will be able to interact with OP members in smaller environments. He will also be walking with OP members through the CCC membership process and helping them get plugged into congregational life at CCC.
- Cornerstone’s pastors have begun meeting with ministry leaders from OP, and these meetings will continue through the summer. We are particularly enthused about the Seasons ministry (the next event is on Sept. 15) and look forward to Bert Warkentin and the ministry team sharing this vision with the CCC congregation.
- There is much work going on behind the scenes with respect to financial and legal integration, under the primary direction of Darren Thom and Neill Winger. I’m so grateful for the work these men are doing to serve the church. More detailed updates on this area will come as they are available.
- Cornerstone will be assuming any financial obligations that OP has outstanding (e.g. severance packages, mortgage, etc). As such, we would encourage OP members to begin directing their financial offerings to Cornerstone. Cornerstone has the facility to receive online giving, text-to-give, or automatic withdrawal from your bank account. More details can be found at
- We would encourage OP members to sign up for Cornerstone’s e-bulletin. This email will arrive in your inbox each Friday. To sign up, you can fill out a connect card in our service, or contact the office.
- Preparation for beginning to worship at the Orchard Campus in the Fall has begun:
- Our Sunday School leadership team met this week to determine the location for the various age groups, and plan for what needs to be done this summer. Kids ages 5 and under will be on the ground level, and will utilize the rooms that have been the nursery, board room and library. Grades 1-5 will be downstairs.
- We are hoping to have a library ministry run out of the Fireside Room.
- We anticipate ordering new chairs for the auditorium, with the aim that they will arrive by mid-September.
- We will also order “pew” Bibles, so that those who join for corporate worship will be able to hold a physical Bible.
- We will be installing interior way finding signage, to help direct people around the building.
- There is a process under way to determine the long-term home(s) of Cornerstone, with respect to buildings and properties. At this point, we are in the information gathering stage (appraisals, etc). The elders and pastors will be engaging the congregation in this process, as we as one congregation discern our way forward together. No matter the outcome of this process, we see the need for significant capital improvements (both new construction and renovations). Therefore, we anticipate giving opportunity for us all to participate in the Open Doors Campaign (either to affirm our original pledge, pledge for the first time, or revise our pledge).
As we move through this integration process, and we all experience significant change, please allow me to share a few encouragements as your pastor:
First, as we experience upheaval and change, remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is constant and reliable. His love is from everlasting to everlasting. His grace is unshakeable. The gospel is still good news for sinful people.
Secondly, we need to recognize that in times of rapid change, the enemy of our God, our church and our souls will be particularly active. He will attempt to spread lies, as he is the father of lies. Let us take up the shield of faith, the Sword of the Spirit, and the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-20). Let’s believe the best about each other as brothers and sisters. Let’s talk to each other, not about each other. Let’s unite in corporate prayer like never before (join for pre-service prayer each Sunday at 9:15). Let’s seek to be humble. Let’s ask the Spirit to produce fruit in us (Galatians 5). Let’s look to Jesus together, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
Thirdly, there will be opportunity to do some very practical work together. Right now, we are looking at the possibility of a moving week (or day) at some point during the week of August 20. We will be asking us to work together very practically to get some things done so that we are ready to launch our ministry year at the Orchard Campus on Sept. 9. If you are willing to do some lifting, painting, or other manual labour before, during, or after that week, that would be much appreciated!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact an elder or pastor. As pastors, we publish our emails and cell phone numbers on the back of the bulletin each week because we want to be available to interact with you.
Please know that you are loved.
Kevin Bayne
Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Community Church
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